adoption, Loving our Kids

Thirteen Ways to Bond with Your Adopted Child

If you have been a follower of this blog for any length of time, you know that we have had a lot of issues with both of our girls. One of them was severely neglected when she was in infancy, and though we brought her home when she was just eight months old, at that… Continue reading Thirteen Ways to Bond with Your Adopted Child

adoption, Dealing with Frustrations, Loving our Kids, Uncategorized

Hope for When We’ve Lost It (yeah, we all do it!)

I placed my fingers to my temples and rubbed, trying to ease away the rhythmic throbbing in my head as my oldest daughter bounded from the sink (where she splashed water all over the counter and mirror while making faces at herself) to the hand dryer.  The fact that she was skipping only intensified my… Continue reading Hope for When We’ve Lost It (yeah, we all do it!)

Dealing with Frustrations, Loving our Kids, Uncategorized

Among the Young at Heart

The rain was drizzling outside and the warm breeze rushed through the window; the first hints of Spring on a lazy, Sunday afternoon. The one and only thing I wanted to do was sit, curled up in bed, sip a hot cup of tea and get lost in an old movie, undisturbed. As my fellow… Continue reading Among the Young at Heart

Dealing with Frustrations, Loving our Kids, Uncategorized

Loving When it Hurts

That day, and so many other days, in the midst of the hurt and chaos, God has given me sweet opportunities to learn more about Him and to share that with my girls. That day, that story is not my story. That was God working through me, because He knows I can't do that on my own. We love ( I love) because He first loved us.