adoption, Dealing with Frustrations, Freebies, Homeschooling, Lessons on Love Journal Notes, Loving our Kids, Uncategorized

Lessons in Love Journal Entry Two: Humility

Humility is something we ALL struggle to find. There are some days, most, really, where I have to dig really deep past my pride to find it. And in the mundane, crazy, mind-numbing redundancy of parenthood our kids have a way of bringing that particular monster to the surface. One of the easiest things to… Continue reading Lessons in Love Journal Entry Two: Humility

adoption, Homeschooling, Loving our Kids, RADs, Uncategorized

Homeschool Hygge

  I feel like I've been living under a rock, apparently, since it's only been very recently that I've learned anything about this new hygge buzzword. In case you've been living under the same rock as I have, I'm happy to educate you on this simple little word that I have been trying to live… Continue reading Homeschool Hygge

adoption, Loving our Kids, Uncategorized

Blessed Beautiful Mess

"How in the world does the dust collect so fast in this house?!" I wondered aloud, exasperatedly, to myself as I swept all of the dirt and dog hair that had collected on them since yesterday. I'm no queen of clean, but I like to keep our house somewhat clean and tidy to help keep… Continue reading Blessed Beautiful Mess

adoption, Dealing with Frustrations, Loving our Kids

Dealing with RADS (reactive attachment disorder)

Exhausting doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of what a normal day in the life of a mom of a RAD child is like. Maddening is a little closer to reality.

Dealing with Frustrations, Loving our Kids, Uncategorized

Among the Young at Heart

The rain was drizzling outside and the warm breeze rushed through the window; the first hints of Spring on a lazy, Sunday afternoon. The one and only thing I wanted to do was sit, curled up in bed, sip a hot cup of tea and get lost in an old movie, undisturbed. As my fellow… Continue reading Among the Young at Heart