adoption, Homeschooling, Loving our Kids, RADs, Uncategorized

Homeschool Hygge

  I feel like I've been living under a rock, apparently, since it's only been very recently that I've learned anything about this new hygge buzzword. In case you've been living under the same rock as I have, I'm happy to educate you on this simple little word that I have been trying to live… Continue reading Homeschool Hygge

Dealing with Frustrations, Loving our Kids, Uncategorized

Loving When it Hurts

That day, and so many other days, in the midst of the hurt and chaos, God has given me sweet opportunities to learn more about Him and to share that with my girls. That day, that story is not my story. That was God working through me, because He knows I can't do that on my own. We love ( I love) because He first loved us.